Two-year-old Saif is courageously battling protein deficiency, a condition known as PKU. Tremendous challenges mark his family's journey, as they reside in a small, modest home with a roof afflicted by asbestosis and devoid of windows. To compound their difficulties, Saif's father is unable to work due to a debilitating spine cartilage disease, and they receive minimal assistance from sources outside of their close-knit and loving family and neighbors. Through the PCRF One-Time Sponsorship program, our dedicated team has provided Saif with the essential equipment he urgently required: a Nebulizer to aid in his respiratory health, a comfortable Mattress to ensure restful nights, and a Wheelchair to enhance his mobility and independence. Through the generosity of individuals like you, we can make a meaningful difference in the lives of children like Saif, offering them hope, comfort, and a brighter future. Your support allows us to continue our mission of providing essential care and assistance to those in need. Thank you for being a part of Saif's journey and contributing to his well-being. Together, we can create a world where every child receives the care and support they deserve.